Certified Organic mixed vegetable farm in Ada, Michigan.

4960 Quiggle Ave SE
Ada, MI 49301

Where can we find your products?
We feel strongly about local eating, which is why we work hard towards providing a wide variety of opportunities for our customers to find our veggies. We have a Year Round CSA program (12 months) and a Summer CSA program (6 months, June-November). We offer pickup locations at our farm in Ada, as well as in Grand Rapids at the Fulton Street Market. Check out more information about our CSA program below!

We also sell at Fulton Street Farmers Market year-round on Saturdays, and at the Holland Farmers Market throughout the months of May-November. We’re proud to also provide to some of the best restaurants and grocers in the area. Delivered the same day as harvested, our produce arrives as fresh as possible to our partners, year-round.

In response to COVID-19, we have made online ordering available so that we can continue to safely serve our customers who do not wish to shop at the farmers market at this time. We offer three pickup options throughout the week, as well as home deliveries on Thursday afternoons with an additional $5 delivery fee. Click the button below to place an order!

Your biggest challenges currently?
Our biggest and newest challenge is continuing to serve our community during the evolving situation of COVID-19, especially the vulnerable and those taking extra precautions during this time. Because of this, we have updated our distribution model and are working hard at creating bigger and better ways to safely operate and serve our customers. Please read our action plans below:

What are you looking forward to in seasons to come?
Each year, we look forward to growing our Year Round CSA program. This involves ongoing expansion to the ways we extend our seasons, like more hoop houses and employees! We're proud to be able to keep our 5 main staff members employed all year-round, and are always excited to welcome new energy as folks join us for the spring, summer, and fall months. Learn more about our dedicated farmers here!

Why are you a WMGG farm member?
We are members of WMGG because we absolutely love the farming community in West Michigan and supporting the system that comes with it. We consider ourselves friends and supporters of each other, rather than competitors. We relish our time working and celebrating together as we learn and discover ways to better serve our land and our community.

What is your favorite tool?
The Paperpot Transplanter! It has changed our farming lives :)